29 August 2011

Mapping | Kartlegging

Map of Finnmark dated 1686 by Henri Doncker

Map of the Barentz region dated 1596 with Norway to the bottom left

Illustration of North Cape from
Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark to the North Cape, in the Summer of 1820

Our first diploma weeks have been dedicated to creating new maps for each of the municipalities in the project. Each corner of the fragmented landscape of Finnmark, from the rough coastline, to the over one hundred kilometers of the Porsangerfjord is laboriously fixed and redrawn, so we are equipped with a handful of new maps ready to welcome new ideas throughout the diploma semester.

Mapping the northern periphery has been a challenge for centuries. Harsh climate, long distances and wild coastline has posed challenging thrills for explorers and surveyors. The maps from the 1600s shows a south-facing almost flat coastline, while the maps from the 1800th century are lively inhabited by ravenous ocean creatures. Written descriptions of Finnmark from the same period are found in Baron Arthur de Capelle Brooke dramatic travelogues Travels through Swedenborg, Norway, and Finnmark to the North Cape, in the Summer of 1820, (1823) which can be downloaded free here

Våre første diplomuker har vært dedikert til å lage nye kart for hver av kommunene i diplomarbeidet. Hver avkrok fra den fragmenterte kystlinjen i vest, til den over hundre kilometer lange Porsangerfjorden er møysommelig tegnet opp på nytt, så vi sitter igjen med et knippe nytegnede kart klar til bruk utover semesteret.

Å kartlegge den nordlige periferien har vært en utfordring i århundrer. Værhardt klima, lange avstander og vill kystlinje har bydd på utfordringer for oppdagelsesreisende og kartmålere. Kartene fra 1600-tallet viser en vestvendt kystlinje, mens kartene fra 1800 levendegjøres av glupske havmonstre. Beskrivelsene av Finnmark i bokform fra samme periode finnes i baron Arthur de Capell Brooke dramatiske reiseskildringer Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark to the North Cape, in the Summer of 1820, (1823) som kan lastes gratis ned i sin helhet her.

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