16 January 2011


Porsanger is the most central municipality in Finnmark and Lakselv works as an important transit area - both between east and west, and between the inland and the coast. The municipality had its population peak around 1980 with approximately 4 500 inhabitants.

Porsanger er fylktes mest sentrale kommunen og Lakselv er et viktig transportknutepunkt – både mellom øst og vest, og mellom kysten og innlandet. Kommunen hadde høyest innbyggertall rundt 1980 med cirka 4 500 innbyggere.

Administrative center | Kommunesenter:                               Lakselv
Area | Areal:                                                                            4 873 km2
Inhabitants | Innbyggere:                                                        3 991
Annual change in population | Årlig befolkningsendring:        -1,2%
Deserted in | Beregnet folketom:                                            2097

Distance to | Distanse til:                                                        Karasjok 75 km, 1 h
                                                                                                Hammerfest 140 2:00 h
Alta 170 km, 2:20 h
Honningsvåg 165 km, 2:20 h

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