14 January 2011


Hasvik can only be reached by boat or airplane. It makes it unique, since all the other municipalities in Finnmark have road connection. The municipality had its population peak in the mid 1960's with approximately 1850 inhabitants.

Hasvik kommune kan kun nåes ved båt eller fly. Dette skiller den fra de andre kommunene i fylket, da de alle har veiforbindelse. Kommunen hadde høyest innbyggertall i midten av 1960-tallet med cirka 2 700 innbyggere.

Administrative center | Kommunesenter:                               Breivikbotn
Area | Areal:                                                                            556 km2
Inhabitants | Innbyggere:                                                        934
Annual change in population | Årlig befolkningsendring:        -2,9%
Deserted in | Beregnet folketom:                                            2045

Distance to | Distanse til:                                                        Alta 2:50 h (boat+car)
Hammerfest 1:20 h (boat)
Øksfjord 1:10 h (boat+car)

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